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Planta Sanus

Artemisia annua organic balm

Artemisia annua organic balm

Regular price €29.00 EUR
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Artemisia annua organic balm from Planta Sanus is a natural and highly effective product that is obtained from the Artemisia annua plant. The balm contains a unique combination of natural ingredients such as olive oil, artemisia annua and beeswax, which have a soothing effect on the skin. It can help soothe and regenerate the skin, as well as help with skin problems such as irritation, redness and inflammation.


For our annual mugwort ointment, a cold extract is made with 20g Artemisia annua on 100ml organic, cold-pressed olive oil.

The gently dried Artemisia annua leaves are pulled out for at least 6 weeks, filtered thoroughly and mixed with vitamin E, organic beeswax to form a homogeneous ointment.


Nourishes and regenerates the skin. To combat itching and inflamed skin. Supports the healing of insect bites and burns.

Application outside the EU

Ointment to apply to the skin. Apply to the desired area once or twice a day and massage in gently.


Store care ointment in a cool, dry place. Store closed and protected from light.

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Artemisia annua Salbe bio

Der Artemisia annua Balsam ist frei von schädlichen Chemikalien, was ihn zu einer sicheren und gesunden Wahl für alle Hauttypen macht. Mit seiner angenehmen Textur und dem sanften Duft ist der Balsam eine Wohltat für Körper und Geist.

Salbe Artemisia annua

It can help soothe and regenerate the skin, as well as help with skin problems such as irritation, redness and inflammation.